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A & P Applications Manual

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Informasi Detail

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
A FRE 614.4
Penerbit Person Education : america.,
Deskripsi Fisik
vii + 253 hlm
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Photo credits
Adipose tissue
The nervous system
Sleep disorders
The endocrine system
Eating disorders
The integumentary system
The skeletal system
The muscular system
Diabetes Mellitus
Multiple Sclerosis
Myasthenia Gravis
spina bifida
The scientific method
necrotizing fasciitis
Unit 1 Levels of organization
An introduction to clinical anatomy and physiology
Disease, pathology, and diagnosis
Forming a hypothesis
Avoiding bias
The need for repeatability
Homeostatis and disease
Symptoms and signs
The steps in diagnosis
Sectional anatomy and clinical technology
The chemical level of organization
Medical use of radioisotopes
Radiooisotopes and clinical testing
Solutions and concentrations
The pharmaceutical use of isomers
Artificial sweeteners
Fatty acids and health
Fat substitutes
Metabolic anomalies
The cellular level of organization
The nature of pathogens
Unicellular and multicellular parasites
Methods of microanatomy
Light microscopy
Electron microscopy
Lysosomal storage diseases
Mitochondrial DNA, disease, and evolution
Genetic engineering and gene therapy
Mapping the human genome
Gene manipulation and modification
Drugs and the cell membrane
Telomeres, aging, and cancer
The tissue level of organization
Fibrocartilage on demand
Problems with serous membranes
Cancer: A closer look
Causes of cancer
Genetic factors
Environmental factors
Detection and incidence of cancer
Clinical staging and tumor grading
Cancer treatment
Cancer and survival
Tissue structure and disease
Unit 2 covering, support, and movement
An introduction to the integumentary system and it
Examination of the skin
Diagnosing skin conditions
Disorders of keratin production
Drug absorption through the skin
Baldness and hirsutism
Folliculitis and acne
Trauma to the skin
Cutaneous anthrax
Treatment of skin conditions
Synthetic skin
An introduction to the skeletal system and its dis
The dynamic skeleton
Classification of skeletal disorders
Symptoms of bone and joint disorders
Examination of the skeletal system
Osseous tissue and skeletal structure
Heterotopic bone formation
Congenital disorders of the skeleton
Stimulation of bone growth and repair
Osteoporosis and age-related skeletal abnormalitie
The axial skeleton
Sinus problems and septal defects
Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis
The appendicular skeleton
Problems with the ankle and foot
Diagnosing and treating intervertebral disc proble
Knee injuries
Arthroscopy and joint injuries
Rheumatism, arthritis, and synovial function
Hip fractures, aging, and srthritis
An introduction to the muscular system and its dis
The diagnosis of muscular disorders
Signs of muscular disorders
Symptoms of muscular disorders
Diagnosis of muscular disorders
Disorders of muscle tissue
Disruption of normal muscle organization
Fribromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
the muscular dystrophies
Myotonic dystrophy
Problems with the control of muscle activity
Delayed onset muscle soreness
Power, endurance, and energy reserves
What\'s new in anatomy
Muscular system disorders
Sports injuries
Intramuscular injections
End-of-unit clinical problems
Unit 3 Integration, regulation, and control
An introduction to the nervous system and its diso
The symptoms of neurological disorders
The neurological examination
Disorders of neural tissue
Axoplasmic transport and disease
Demyelination disorders
How drugs disrupt neural function
Neurotoxins in seafood
Tay-sachs disease
Conditions that disrupt neural function
Changes in the extracellular environment
Abnormal metabolic activity
Disorders of the spinal cord and spinal nerves
Spinal taps and myelography
Damage to spinal tracts
Spinal trauma
Spinal-cord injuries and experimental treatments
Biological methods
Assistive technology
Damage and repair of peripheral nerves
Peripheral neuropathies
Shingles and hansen\'s disease
Reflexes and diagnostic testing
Abnormal reflex activity
Disorders of the brain and cranial nerves
Cranial trauma
Epidural and subdural hemorrhages
Cerebellar dysfunction
Analysis of gait and balance
The basal nuclei and parkinson\'s disease
Disconnection syndrome
Seizures and epilepsies
Tic douloureux
Cranial nerve tests
Neural integration i
Neural integration i: disorders of sensory and som
Analyzing sensory disorders
Transduction: A closer look
Pain mechanisms, pathways, and control: A closer l
Acute and chronic pain
Assessment of tactile sensitivities
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Neural integration II: the autonomic nervous syste
Hypersensitivity and sympathetic function
Pharmacology and the autonomic nervous system
Altered states
Huntington\'s disease
Pharmacology and drug abuse
Alzheimer\'s disease
Disorders of the special senses
Otitis media and mastoiditis
Vertigo, motion seckness, and meniere\'s disease
Hearing deficits
Testing and treating hearing deficits
The endocrine system and its disorders
A classification of endocrine disorders
Disorders due to endocrine gland abnormalities
Disorders due to endocrine or neural regulatory me
Disorders due to target tissue abnormalities
Symptoms and diagnosis of endocrine disorders
Growth hormone abnormalities
Thyroid gland disorders
Disorders of parathyroid function
Disorders of the adrenal cortex
disorders of the adrenal medulla
Light and behavior
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Unit 4 Fluids and transport
The cardiovascular system
An introduction to the cardiovascular system and i
The physical examination and the cardiovascular sy
Diagnostic procedures for cardiovascular disorders
Disorders of the blood
Abnormal hemoglobin
Sickle cell anemia
Transfusions and synthetic blood
Bilirubin tests and jaundice
Iron deficiencies and excesses
Erythrocytosis and blood doping
Blood tests and rbcs
Reticulocyte count
Hematocrit (hct)
Hemoglobin concentration (Hb)
RBC count
The leukemias
The clotting system: A closer look
Testing the clotting system
Bleeding time
Coagulation time
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Prothrombin time
Abnormal hemostasis
Excessive or abnormal blood clotting
Inadequate blood clotting
Disorders of the heart
Infection and inflammation of the heart
The cardiomyopathies
Heart transplants and assist devices
RHD and valvular stenosis
Diagnosis abnormal heartbeats
Tachycardia and fibrillation
Treating problems with pacemaker function
Examining the heart
Heart failure
Abnormal Conditions affecting cardiac output
Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia
Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia
Abnormal body temperatures
Disorders affecting blood vessels and circulation
Problems with venous valve function
Checking the pulse and blood pressure
Hypertension and hypotension
The causes and treatment of cerebrovascular diseas
Circulatory shock
Other types of shock
The lymphatic system
The lymphatic system and immunity
History and physical examination and the lymphatic
Disorders of the lymphatic system
Infected lymphoid nodules
disorders of the spleen
The complement system: A closer look
Complications of inflammation
Transplants and immunosuppressive drugs
Symptoms of HIV disease
Modes of infection
Prevention of AIDS
Fetal infections
Delayed hypersensitivity and skin tests
Immune complex disorders
Systemic lupus eryyhematosus
Autoimmune disorders
Unit 5 Environmental exchange
The respiratory system
An introduction to the respiratory system and its
symptoms of lower respiratory disorders
The physical examination and the respiratory syste
Disorders of the respiratory system
Overloading the respiratory defenses
Cystic fibrosis
Tracheal blockage
COPD: Asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Boyle\'s law and air overexpansion syndrome
Artificial respiration
Pulmonary function tests
Decompression sickness
Mountain sickness
Shallow-water blackout
Chemoreceptor accommodation and opposition
Lung cancer
The digestive system and metabolism
An introduction to the digestive system and its di
Symptoms and signs of digestive system disorders
The physical examination and the digestive system
Disorders of the digestive system
Dental problems and solutions
Achalasia and esophagitis
Esophageal varices
Peptic ulcers
Stomach cancer
Drastic weight-loss techniques
Liver disease
Colon cancers
Diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disease
Disorders affecting metabolism and energetics
Aerobic metabolism: A closer look
Protein deficiency diseases
Metabolic interactions and adaptations to starvati
The absorptive state
The liver
Skeletal muscle, neural tissue, and other peripher
The postabsorptive state
Skeletal muscle
Other peripheral tissues
Neural tissue
Adaptations to starvation
RNA catabolism and gout
Body mass index and obesity
The urinary system and fluid, electrolyte, and aci
An introduction to the urinary system and its diso
The history and physical examination of the urinar
Laboratory and imaging tests and the urinary syste
PAH and the calculation of renal blood flow
Urinary system disorders
Conditions affecting filtration
Inherited problems with tubular function
Advances in the treatment of renal failure
Bladder cancer
Urinary tract infections
Disorders of fluid electrolyte, and acid-base bala
Water and weight loss
Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia
Diagnostic classification of acid-base disorders
The anion gap
The nomogram
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance in infan
Unit 6 continuity of life
The reproductive system and development
The reproductive system and its disorders
The physical examination and the reproductive syst
Assessment of the male reproductive system
Assessment of the female reproductive system
Normal and abnormal signs associated with pregnanc
Disorders of the reproductive system
Testicular cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Uterine tumors and cancers
Birth control strategies
Sexually transmitted diseases
Problems with development and inheritance
Disorders of development
Teratogens and abnormal development
Induction and sexual differentiation
Technology and the treatment of infertility
Ectopic pregnancies
Problems with placentation
Problems with the maintenance of a pregnancy
Complexity and perfection
Monitoring postnatal development
Death and dying
Chromosomal abnormalities and genetic analysis
Case studies
Answers to end-of-unit clinical problems
Answers to case studies
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